På en unavngiven station i dette land, er der en kiosk/butik i forbindelse med stationen. På et skilt i et vindue står der “Klip kort”…Gad vide om det er ordre? Der mangler vel så et udråbstegn. Og i så fald hvad skulle det gøre godt for, hvilke kort skal klippes og hvad gavn gør det? Måske har jeg misforstået noget, måske er det længden af noget der kræver klipning? Er det mon hår, eller et slips?
I en helt anden sammenhæng, er der nogen der har læst op på det med sammensatte substantiver…?
En simpel googel søgning på “klip kort” vil give dig svaret. Det er noget man bruger i Danmark til toge. Jeg refererer her hvad der står om emnet på fyidanmark.com:
“A Klip Kort is a discount card, where you get 10 klips per card and you klip the card once for each trip you take. A klipkort will save you money over buying an individual ticket. But if you don’t plan to use all the klips it is not worth getting one. You can get a refund on unused klips. See photo to the right.
Fra samme udemærkede informationsside om hvordan man rejser i Danmark står desuden:
“Now before you head to the trains, you’ll need a ticket, and this is where you can either save some money or get taken for a ride. For those in the know, you will get a klip kort at the ticket booth.
The ticket booth is located right before you get the escalator. The booth says “DSB” on the top and is located in the center of the hall right before the escalator to the trains. You can buy a single ticket from the DSB office, which will cost 30 kroner.
The cheaper option is to buy a klip kort. Since you need to travel 3 zones into Copenhagen, you can get a 3-zone klip kort, which entitles you to 10 trips over 3 zones. But depending on how much traveling you plan on doing, I suggest that(for a couple traveling together)you get a 2-zone klip kort.
Since there are 2 people traveling and you are both traveling through 3 zones, you will need 3 klips on a 2-zone card. 3 x 2 = 6 zones. A 2-zone klip kort is 130 kroner, so you pay 39 kroner for 2 people versus 63 kroner. You will need 3 klips to get back to the airport when you leave, which will be another 3 klips. So your trip back and forth to the airport for 2 people is 78 kroner versus 126 kroner, plus you still have 4 klips to use while you are in town. So you can take another trip together in a 2-zone area, which is plenty for traveling around Copenhagen.